
why is social media about to collapse? Ai. Language Learning Models. Deepfakes. Voice Cloning. The tools to make someone who does not exist or copy someone who does have never been more accessible.

Various social media sites are trying to implement safeguards, or tie social media accounts to government Ids and paywalls to slow down the inevitable.

But it’s over. I am not the biggest fan of web3 because it’s back to the wild west in some ways. Still, web 2 is over. It had it’s impact. It’s made multi billionaires. Presidents. Coups. But as with all tools of disruption, greed has devoured it. Flip the table and then it’s down to who was in the best position to gather as many pieces as possible.

So what are we going to do as Rome burns again? As we draw ever closer to General Purpose Ai capable of matching or exceeding human intelligence at a similar energy cost?

First, we’re going to be posting more here than on the other Meta platforms. We will still link our work to them, but facebook is not my ship, and I am quite happy to disembark before Mark steers it into the sun.

Second, we’re building up our own mailing list. The only thing you’ll get from me is blog posts, release dates, and gigs. I dislike advertising. It’s invasive and distracting. Direct marketing worked best before and it will work best going forwards.

Lastly, we will continue to explore these tools in a creative context. Sampling, remixing, synthesizing, all the tools that we now take for granted were once revolutions that upset the existing musical and artistic order. They also drove innovation and freed creatives to express onto the fabric of history in new and exciting ways.

Have fun. It’s a central tenet of the church of Hip Hop, with it’s aging dignitaries and far flung acolytes.

It’s something innate that we are all born with the ability to do. Capturing our ability to have fun, hijacking our dopamine pathways and redirecting our efforts.

Your job is to remember and reclaim your ability to have fun.

Keep it safe and nurture it. It comes from within you, not without. Air and sunlight, a stick and a hoop. Word games, chess. Running as fast as you can. Dreaming.

Some things do their best to convince you you need them more than they need you. It's a mutual relationship. And they will follow you where you go.

©2015 Beatworld Records ltd.